Wednesday, August 27, 2014

distinguish chicken SERAMA and kate

distinguish chicken SERAMA and kate. Especially if met with kate chicken that is also a mini size. Here the difference of the two. About Chicken SERAMA: Believed to come from kelantan Malaisia a hybrid of different types of chickens The name...
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CHICKEN SERAMA Origins of SERAMA Chicken, Chicken SERAMA have a dwarf stature, these birds never insecure. He delighted style good no doubt crowed loudly. SERAMA claimed as world's smallest chicken race. The presumption that kate is the smallest...

Suren Bird

Suren Bird  As a bird that can be referred to as the ravings of the most stubborn birds and starlings may nag suren is worthy of the title that is. in addition referred to as the most noisy bird, especially when heard another voice that crowded...
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suren malaysia

Suren starlings are known Indonesian people mostly from the local area, and is often known as starlings local suren like Java though the origin of birds from other areas. In addition to local suren starlings in the market also circulated other suren...
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Sunday, September 1, 2013

manyar bird

Vultures included in this Ploceidae family has some kind that we recognize, although the number of species of birds reaches 160 bird species included in this Ploceidae family. Manyar also includes nut or seed-eating birds called granivora and prefer...
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Sunday, August 5, 2012


Velociraptor Name: Velociraptor Length: 2 m, (height of the body when standing 1 m) Mass: 50 kg Period: Late Cretaeceous Eating: The animals are smaller than his size Velociraptor means of high-speed thief (speedy thief). Has 30 sharp teeth and long,...
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Triceratops Name: Triceratops Length: 9 m, height 3 m Mass: 12 tons Period: Late Cretaeceous (68 million years ago) Eating: Nature Triceratops means three-horned face in Greek. This animal has horns over 1 m by 2 pieces on top of his eye, and another...
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Tyrannosaurus Name: Tyrannosaurus rex Length: 12 m, height 6 m Mass: 7.5 tons Period: Cretaeceous (68 million years ago) Eating: plant-eating animals Tyrannosaurus rex greek language support means in a ruthless king lizard. Just like the raptor,...
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Golden Toad

Latin Name Bufo periglenes Conservation Status Extinct (1989) Location Costa Rica Colour Golden/Orange Length 4 - 5.5 cms (1.6 - 2.2 inches) Habit Mostly Terrestrial Breeding Season Rainy Season Main Characteristics Golden Toads were small...
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Mammoth is a genus of extinct ancient elephant. Body sizes larger than normal elephants in the world today. tusks circular shape and curve inward, in northern species, with long hair. There is a misconception that mammoths bigger than an elephant....
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The Tarpan which is the name in Turkish language meaning “Wild Horse” is a now extinct subspecies of wild horse that was found throughout Poland and Russia. The photograph included in this article is the only known photo of a live Tarpan. The photo...
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quagga (Equus quagga quagga)

DNA analysis has shown that the Quagga was not a separate species of zebra but in fact a subspecies of the Plains Zebra (Equus Quagga) The Quagga, formerly inhabited the Karoo and southern Free State of South Africa. Like other grazing mammals,...
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Javan Tiger

The Javan Tiger is the middle sized tiger species that made its home in the Indonesian islands. Larger than the Bali Tiger yet smaller than the Sumatran Tiger the Javan Tiger as the name suggests lived on the island of Java up until its extinction...
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Caspian tiger

The Caspian tiger, Panthera tigris virgata, once ranged in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, and the Central Asiatic area of Russia and probably went extinct in the 1950s. Three tiger subspecies are considered to have become extinct in the past...
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Syrian Wild

Syrian Wild Ass likely extinct when the last animal died at the Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, in 1928. Widespread throughout Mesopotamia, clustered in large flocks in the mountains and the desert steppes of the Middle East. Although previously...
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Hartebeest FACT FILE: Swahili Name: Kongoni Scientific Name: Alcelaphus buselaphus Size: 48 inches at the shoulder Weight: 165 to 350 pounds Lifespan: 12 to 15 years Habitat: Open plains Diet: Herbivorous/grazer Gestation: 8 months Predators: Cheetahs,...
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Sea horse

Sea horse is an animal that has undergone evolution since 40 million years ago (Fritzhe, 1997). Termed in the genus Hippocampus comes from the Greek word for horse head-shaped marine animals, (hippos = horse's head; campus = animals). Seahorses...
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thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Welcome to The Thylacine Museum, an online educational guide to the thylacine, or Tasmanian tiger.  Here you will find information covering virtually all aspects of the natural history of this unique Australian marsupial.  The thylacine...
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