Monday, June 20, 2011

Tachyglossus aculeatus are eating animals that include monotremata

Tachyglossus aculeatus are eating animals that include monotremata, or mammals that lay eggs. Short-beaked nose found in Australia. Body length about 35 to 53 cm, has a wide body and long legs. His legs have powerful claws, used for digging. Small head and nose equipped with a slender snout. Beaked do not have teeth, but it has a wide, sticky tongue that is perfect for capturing ants, termites, and other small insects. Beaked produce one egg or two eggs, but rarely two eggs. Then the eggs are placed in a pouch on the abdomen, where the eggs then hatch in 10 to 11 days. Children's beaked then brought in the bag until about 55 days, until he finally can run.
Beaked greater than the short-beaked nose comes from Tasmania. Beaked species is classified as Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus. Beaked New Guinea, Zaglosus brujuni has a long snout and curving. Small-beaked typically used as pets only human-beaked Natural enemies who sometimes eat meat.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Monotremata
Family: Tachyglossidae
Genus: Tachyglossus
Species: aculeatus

The short nosed spiny anteater's body length can be up to 530 mm, with a tail about 90 mm long. Spines, which are specialized hairs covering most of the body, are large, hollow and thin walled, measuring up to 60 mm in length. Spines are usually yellow with black tips, but can be entirely yellow. Underneath the spines, short-nosed anteaters are covered with dark brown or black body hair. The head is small and often has the appearance of having no neck. The tail is short, stubby, and naked underneath. The snout is long and slender and about half the head length. The feet have five digits with flat claws used for digging. Males have a hollow spur on the hindfoot which is hollow but lacking in venom.

Habitat and Range:
The short-nosed spiny anteater is found in forests, hilly areas, sandy plains, and rocky areas of Australia.

Their diet consists mainly of ants and termites.

Short-nosed spiny anteaters are solitary except during the breeding season.

To avoid predation, short nosed spiny anteater will often burrow directly down in soil, leaving only the spines on their back protruding, while their claws grasp tightly to the substrate underneath. This makes an effective shield of spines to deter almost any predator.

Short nosed anteaters have a short gestation period, from 9 to 27 days. The egg is deposited into a pouch. After a brief incubation of about 10 days, the egg hatches and the young will remain in its mother's pouch to suckle for several weeks until it develops spines. They have been known to live for more than 50 years in captivity.

Species Status:
Short-nosed anteaters are not endangered. They have few native predators; however, dogs, foxes, feral cats, and other animals prey on them. Habitat loss and fast-moving cars are their greatest threat.

Interesting Facts:
As the result of an iron-binding protein in its system, a mother echidna's milk is pink in color.
By Oowais Siddique

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