Saturday, February 4, 2012


Coelacanth is an ancient order of fish believed to have been extinct in the late Cretaceous period 65juta years ago. That was until 1938, when one was miraculously found off the east coast of South Africa near the mouth of the River Chalumna. Closely related to lungfishes and tetrapods, the coelacanth is the survival of the oldest known to exist. They can live for 100 years and swam at a depth of 90-100 meters.

Coelacanth derived from the Greek word which means hollow spine (thorn / spine grooved) estimated to have been extinct since the Cretaceous era. But startling discoveries continue to arrive over the discovery of these animals in the waters of Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya, and Indonesia, precisely Bunaken National Marine Park (mantab bro!). Although these animals die after being arrested fishermen, this animal is believed to still exist and live in deep water (> 700 m). Coelacanth fossil is one of life because it almost did not change significantly in these animals physically from time to time.

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