Gibbons Java, is one of the most endangered primates. Its existence is included in the status of "endangered". Besides the less, many of which hunt only to be maintained. Granting the status of this endangered community seems attractive precisely for personal gain.
Currently Java gibbons live mostly in forests in West Java, a minority in Central Java, Mount Slamet, the Dieng plateau and East Java. Java gibbons foods are natural fruits, young leaves and insects. Java gibbons can live up to the age of 20 years. Characteristic of this animal is yelling or singing. Java gibbons shout or chant signify territorial shelter and foraging areas.
Currently efforts are being made to rescue Java gibbons from extinction. Among the educational activities of the wider community, especially those living in forest areas. Anton Ario from Conservation International Indonesia (CII) said the people living around the very important role in the process of providing information about the detection of the presence of Java gibbons are maintained by the community.
Rehabilitation Process
National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango West Java, precisely in the resort Bodogol, there are rehabilitation centers Java gibbons. Java gibbons who entered rehab usually seven years old. Gibbons Rehabilitation Java needs to be done gradually in order to restore the ability of Java gibbons survival has long been maintained by the community.
Gibbons originally included Java quarantine for review health and behavioral changes that occur such as diet and interaction with the surrounding environment. When Java has always maintained gibbons are fed fruits regularly, but when returned to the wild, gibbons Java must learn to find themselves where there is fruit in the forest.
After passing through the quarantine for about 1 to 1.5 months, gibbons Java ready to be released into the wild to be able to socialize with their original environment. Officers are always monitoring the newly released Java gibbons to be able to know what's happening on the Java gibbons.
To rescue Java from the threat of extinction Gibbons, necessary cooperation of all parties. In addition to law enforcement efforts are more concrete and firm action against poachers Java gibbons, are also needed for education and information dissemination to the public, to care more about the primates whose numbers are fewer. Let Java gibbons rescued from extinction!
Gibbon species endemic to the island of Java is Java and the only inhabited island of the western and central Java. Java gibbons preferred habitat is lowland forest with dense trees (dense).
Based on data from Conservation International Indonesia (2009) population of Java flirtatious Gibbons is expected to remain around 4000-5000 tails only. Java gibbons are distributed is limited in three national parks, namely TN Ujung Kulon, Gunung Gede Pangrango TN, and TN Mist Mountain. In addition, some Java gibbons can be found in some nature reserves such as Simpang Nature Reserve, Papandayan, Talaga Warna, Tilu, Kendeng, and Slamet.
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