Sunday, August 28, 2011

Red Racer Snake

There are some snakes that are red, although few have the color red, some kind of snake has a name that contained elements of red color. Some examples include Coachwhip Red, Red Racer and Classic Red, as seen from the picture clockwise.

The Red Racer Snake - also called the Red Coachwhip - is a reptile common to the Mojave Desert of the US. While named the Red Racer, the coloration of the snake can vary from gray to pink to tan. As the snake ages it becomes more and more redish. They are relatively fast snakes with speeds of up to seven miles an hour. They feed mostly on lizards, smaller snakes, birds, and small mammals. They are active during the day and can often be seen basking on rocks and roadways in the desert. While the Red Racer is not poisonous, it can deliver a nasty bite so handling these snakes is not recommended.

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