Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bees Tiger

Bees TigerThis giant-sized bees are insects that live in Asia. Insect which is the mortal enemy of a praying mantis has a sting that is large enough to kill a profit - big profits as the tarantula. This bee venom possess a higher dose of any bees, so...
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grasshoppers Worship

grasshoppers WorshipPraying mantis is one of the best insect killer with physical support that support it as a true predator. Although the species is also widely, but the praying mantis or mantis famous for its specially designed front legs to capture...
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insect killer

insect killerInsect killer is a type of insect that has the ability to kill the best among insects - insects. There are many kinds, but most are harmless to humans.Oh yes, insects - insects have their own specialty in killing prey. There are species...
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Anai - termite

Anai - termite / retreat - retreatAnai - termite insect is certainly not familiar to us. Animals are believed to be a blood pressure-lowering drugs should not be underestimated. Possible for us termite - a small insect termite only unique because of...
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Tiger beetle

Tiger beetleEveryone also knows if the cheetah is the fastest animal on earth that can run up to 115 km / h. Compared with this tiger beetle, would be very much the comparison because the beetle is only capable of running at speeds up to 8 km / h.But...
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The robber flies

The robber fliesWe all must be familiar with the flies - flies flying around us. Flies are more commonly known as a carrier of disease germs, even from the school, the flies are considered as detrimental to the human animal. Flies that we often see at...
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adult Goliath Beetle

The beetle will then harden, to a shell called an exoskeleton, still underground.When the wet season arrives again it will be awakened to emerge from its underground home when the water soaks down to soften the shell of its encasement.He or she will...
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Horse fly

Horse fly repellents are today very common chemicals readily available offline as well as online, so very technically, you are literally a few clicks away from some serious horse fly control treatments if you happen to have an infestation on your property....
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Friday, October 21, 2011

black mamba

The black mamba is Africa’s deadliest snake. Untreated, its bite has a fatality rate of 100 percent, making it a killer among killers on a continent where it is thought that nearly 20,000 people die of snake bites each year, and the residents of Swaziland...
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Western Tiger Snake

Western Tiger Snake is common over most of its range in south-western Western Australia. The stunning yellow pattern is typical of the Western Tiger Snake.The Western Tiger Snake shelters in or under fallen and rotting timber, in abandoned animal burrows,...
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Tiger Snake

The Tiger Snake is on our most deadly list. The Tiger snake is between 1 to 2 meters in length. Its color can vary greatly from gray to brown to almost black with light yellow bands around its body. Some tiger snakes though, have no bands.This is a...
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Scaled SAW VIPERSaw scaled viper (Echis carinatus) distribution includes Africa, the Middle East, to India.Although he was quite small, but in this case it includes the ranking ke9.hal killing was due to several factors that these snakes are very aggressive...


Snakes are reptiles that no-legged and long bodied. Snakes have scales like a lizard and are equally classified into scaly reptiles (Squamata). The difference is generally legged lizards, have ears, and eyelids that can open the lid. However, for cases...
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insects like crickets

In some countries such as China, Thailand, Laos, can we find a very unique food, ie insects like crickets, caterpillars, centipedes, scorpions can be eaten. There are certain circles who like to eat food like this. Obviously for us it is difficult to...
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Komodo dragon

Some biologists have reported spectacular findings, which formed as a single species of giant lizard, reptile with a long-sized adults and awarded the two sexes.Reptiles hidden but it's brightly colored, monitor lizard, is a close cousin of the Komodo...
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Thursday, October 20, 2011


Attached to the dorsal surface of the visceral mass is and hanging freely down the sides of it is the mantle, often called the skirt or pallium. There is a space between the mantle and the viseral mass, this space is greatest towards the rear of the...
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Teredo navalis

Mollusc shells have also had a long history of usage by mankind, many have been used as decorations, or as a substance to carve into cameos and buttons. In North America Tusk shells on the west coast and Cockles on the East supplied the basis of a system...
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Mollusc shells have also had a long history of usage by mankind, many have been used as decorations, or as a substance to carve into cameos and buttons. In North America Tusk shells on the west coast and Cockles on the East supplied the basis of a system...
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Molluscs, because of their ease of capture, edibility and beauty have long been important to mankind. Molluscs of many sorts are eaten by humans Abilone, Clams, Cockles, Muscles, Octopus, Oysters, Periwinkles, Scallops, Snails, Squid, Whelks, Winkles...
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Most molluscs are marine. Molluscs are very ancient organisms believed to have evolved from a flatworm like ancestor during the Precambrium about 650 million years ago. Because many species secrete a shell of some sort the fossil record is good. Different...
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After the Arthropods the Molluscs are the most successful of the animal phyla in terms of numbers of species. There are about 110,000 species known to science most of which are marine. They occupy a vast range of habitats however both aquatic and terrestrial,...
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Characteristics of Mollusca

Characteristics of Mollusca:1)Bilaterally symmetrical.2)Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs.3)Body without cavity.4)Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus.5)Body monomeric and highly variable in form, may possess a dorsal...
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Coconut crabs

The coconut crab is eaten by the Pacific islanders and is considered a delicacy and an aphrodisiac, with a taste similar to lobster and crab meat. The most prized parts are the eggs inside the female coconut crab and the fat in the abdomen. Coconut crabs...
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goliath tigerfish

The goliath tigerfish makes its home in the Congo River system in Africa. The toothy, scary-looking creature looks more myth than reality and seems fit for the movie screen. The goliath tigerfish is considered Africa’s equivalent of the South American...
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Mekong giant catfish

The Mekong giant catfish is perhaps the most interesting and most threatened species in the Mekong river. For this reason conservationists have chosen it as a sort of “flagship” species to promote conservation on the Mekong. With recorded sizes of up...
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Carcharodon carcharias

In the human imagination is the story of the Great White Shark (Latin: Carcharodon carcharias, Great White Shark) was very scary, but in reality it is not that dramatic. Along with often did research on these predators, White Shark image as a merciless...
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Thresher Shark

The Thresher Shark is greyish to black with a white belly. The tail and the body of the Thresher Shark are equal in length. The Thresher Shark can be up to 11 ft. long.The Thresher Shark is not dangerous to humans, but it can give serious injuries to...
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Great Hammerhead

Great HammerheadSize: Birth: 20-28 in (50-70 cm)Maturity: males 7-9 ft (2.2-2.7 m), females 8-10 ft (2.5-3 m)Maximum: 18 feet (5.5 m) 6.1m?Reproduction: Maturity: unknownMode: viviparousGestation: 11 monthsPups: 13-42, 20-40, alternate yearsDiet: ...
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pacific Sleeper Shark

The Pacific Sleeper Shark has been most extensively studied in the Gulf of Alaska. Here, 73% of Pacific Sleeper stomachs examined contained remains (principally the horny, parrot-like beaks) of the Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). Alaskan...
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whale shark

n contrast to most sharks from the same order (Orectolobiformes), which are benthic (live on or near the bottom) species, the whale shark is a pelagic (open sea) species. Studies reveal that this shark prefers warm waters, with surface temperature around...
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Basking sharks

a migratory speciesal though its seasonal movements aren't well known. They dwell in northern waters as long as the plankton population is abundant, moving south in the winter. Though they are largely oceanic sharks, they can be found off the coast of...
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Yeti Argentina

On July 23, 2010, two farmers in El Cerro Creston, about 40 kilometers west of San Jose de Metan, Argentina, managed to kill a strange creature like humans, but with a large canine teeth and sharp. Photo of the creature's head was leaked to the public...
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White lions

White lions are not albino (unpigmented) but are leucistic - leucism describes an effect rather than a particular gene. They have pigmentation which is visible in the eyes, paw pads and lips. Their eyes are usually the normal hazel or golden colour although...
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