On July 23, 2010, two farmers in El Cerro Creston, about 40 kilometers west of San Jose de Metan, Argentina, managed to kill a strange creature like humans, but with a large canine teeth and sharp. Photo of the creature's head was leaked to the public and quite horrendous Argentine society.
According to local residents, who found this creature similar to that in the belief Ucumar creatures locally called as a creature that has a body like a man with bushy black hair covering his body. Sometimes these creatures are also often referred to as Yeti Argentina.
The existence of this creature in the forests of the southern part of the province, especially in Rosario de la Frontera, has become the news media for decades.
Photo of the creature's head was leaked to the public was taken by a man named Martin. He was photographed on the property owned by ranchers who killed the creature. The photo, taken from a cell phone, clearly showing a hominid with long fangs and protruding eyes.
Farmers who killed 79-year-old creature and has initials JS, while his nephew initials ES. Both asked their real names are not divulged to the public.
Martin told the daily El Tribuno about his experience when he visited the breeder.
"That Saturday, I arrived at the ranch and they tell me about events that happened on the previous night. I entered their house and there depending on the creature's body, his hands bound and extends almost touching the floor. I asked them the name of the creature, and they can not answer. "
According to Martin again, JS and ES kill the creature on July 23, yesterday.
In the dark of night, when it was gathering the cows, they heard a deafening sound near the end of the hills that surround their property. When approached and illuminated the place with flashlights, they found a pair of luminous green eyes that make them become fixated.
"According to them, it is Goblin creature, and to frighten him, they fired a rifle. The bullet was about the creature in the lower jaw to the upper left hand through the right eye brow. Because the shot was, a creature believed to be Ucumar it fell to the ground. "
Both breeders were then carried her petenakan. The next day, during daylight, they begin to believe that they have shot Ucumar. Martin said again:
"The creature has a short black bushy hair all over his body, except his face. Very scary to see the size of the fangs. "
Because of fear of reprisals, JS asked his colleagues to cut the creature's head and throwing her body. Retaliation is meant by JS was because he believed they had killed the son of Ucumar and worry about the act of revenge.
However, it is unclear what is meant by retaliation, retaliation entahkah derived from the mother or from the public.
Martin explains: "We cut the head which is then stored on the farm. Then, we wrap her body into a bag and throw it into some valley. "
JS, the owner of the Ranch, lives alone on his ranch and just get occasional visits from his nephew.
According to Martin, the creature was about 60-70 centimer.
Marcelo Choque, a veterinarian from the Environmental Division of the Service, quite surprised to see the photograph the creature. He said:
"I've never seen anything like it. Obviously it looks like anthropomorphic figure, but I can not mention from which species. And I also can not explain the extraordinary size of the fangs. "
Was it really Yeti Argentina?
Or just a monkey?
In comparison, this Weeper Capuchin Monkey or Cebus olivaceus, a type of monkey commonly found in South America.
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