Monday, September 12, 2011

crocodile Sangkimah

Andi Hanan and several colleagues at the River Sangkimah, Sangkimah Old Village, South Sangatta, East Kutai (East Kutai), approximately at 12.00 pm after provocation with goat skin.

Residents catch rogue crocodile being perceived, often entered into under the residents' houses. Sangkimah river itself is best known for ferociously crocodiles in East Kutai.

When measured 4.3 meters in length with a width of 70 cm belly. Leg span up to 1.5 meters. Muzzle his mouth 80 cm with a number of canines that have been dated. It is estimated that, when it hit the prey crocodile stone or wood so that the fangs on.

Crocodile captured citizens has now become a spectacle. In fact, some residents of Sangatta to come there to see the "monster" was the most dangerous river. Until yesterday is still alive and muzzle and legs bound with plastic straps. Then, the rope was tied to a coconut tree.

Andi Hanan, Sangkimah residents who catch the crocodile, said he decided to catch the reptile because naughty. "If it is not naughty, do not eat humans or livestock feed, I might not catch," he said.

According to him, many reports from residents, chickens, cats, pet dogs missing. He was sure everything was devoured by crocodiles as they often are under the houses to catch the chicken. Quite often also across the middle of the road.

To catch the crocodile, Andi Hanan pleaded not perform special rituals, such as sprinkling flower 7 way or give offerings, as is typically done by a crocodile handler. "If rapalan prayer there," he said. Prayers were said for the power of the crocodile is much stronger than humans.

Andi Hanan use goat skin as much as 3 pounds for bait. Hook from a bent metal. Then, from the eye of the hook tied to a wire and connected to a plastic rope. At the end of the rope attached an empty jerry can. He was fishing crocodile under his house. Incidentally, his home was located at the river mouth.

Sheepskin long enough bait to attract the crocodile came. On the sixth day, precisely on Friday (4 / 3) night, crocodiles eat the bait and carry jerry cans ran to the river level downstream. "I could not at night. So, I catch lunch with a neighbor, "Andi Hanan beber.

Before eating goat skin, the crocodile was called Andi Hanan. It said the crocodile, he wanted to give food. Goatskin which he hung over the water. After the crocodile that ate umpang goatskin, crocodile Andi also ordered to run down or to the estuary.

The arrest this vicious crocodile was like the television show that aired on Animal Planet or National Geografic Channel. In fact, it could be more nerve-racking process of arrest. Although the hook stuck in his mouth still fighting fiercely. To tame, ridden body in the water and then tied his mouth with plastic rope. To be lifted ashore by a gang of six people.

Although very large and ferocious, Andi Hanan could not confirm whether the animal had never eaten a human or not. Because, in the history of the Village Sangkimah, there are 4 people who eat a crocodile, and a new three crocodiles captured. Estimated age is approximately 20 years old crocodile.

Crocodile captured this time is the fourth. However, in terms of size, not for a second crocodile captured and preserved in the Museum Tenggarong, Kukar (Kukar). Nor greater than the crocodiles captured in the village of Manubar, March 2010. "But here there is still a very large crocodile. Approximately eight feet in length, "said Andi. Crocodiles often appear in estuaries. However, the biggest crocodile just cowards. Never made a problem with humans and tend to shy away.

Since 1999, there were four people who became victims of crocodile in the Village Sangkimah malignancy. They are Ratna happened in 1999, Rahmatia (2000), Daeng Malewa (2003) and Selamet (2004).

Until now, people are still uneasy with the ferocity of a crocodile Sangkimah. Residents no one dared to bathe in the river width is only approximately 4 meter. If they choose to draw water from the shower over the stream. That, too, which is used to draw water bucket frequently attacked by crocodiles.

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