Saturday, August 27, 2011

Finned whales

They are around 19 to 20 metres in length, and can weigh as much as an estimated 70 tonnes. Fin Whales found in the southern hemisphere have been reported up to 26 metres in length. They have a white underbelly, and are a brown-grey colour on top. They are migratory whales, and have been observed in groups of up to 300 whales. They normally however travel in a pod with 6 or 7 other whales. They have a narrow flat V-shaped head and two blowholes.

They are known by a number of other names such as the Finn, the Finner, the Finback, the Common Rorqual or the Herring Whale. The Fin Whale is currently (2003) listed as an endangered species.

Finned whales usually need to breathe three times on the surface. No one had ever seen anything like this. This incident is really not possible. No way. "

According to Alisa Schulman-Janiger of the American Cetacean Society, news of the ship that met fin whales are rarely heard. If listening to Hartmann's description of the behavior of whales encountered, one might think if he meets is a type of humpback whales are smaller and friendly.

There are about six to 10 fin whales in Dana Point, each measuring about 60 feet, where sometimes they would boost the speed as it approached the boat before diving under the hull.

Sometimes, Hartmann concerned for the safety of its passengers because it is often almost a crash, let alone been known to break through the fin whale.

Pope's type is more frequent in the water, although they are very clearly visible. "Families who participated in the ship I kept calling because they still do not believe what happened," said Hartmann.

"It was very unreal for us to really out there alone, with no wind, and such incidents are happening," he continued.

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