Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ladybugs feed on aphids, small worms, and a variety of insect eggs. To release Ladybugs, early morning or late evenings are best when they are calm and slow moving. Open the container and distribute the Ladybugs throughout the plants or trees, covering as much area as possible.

Twenty-two spotted ladybug
Thea 22-punctata
This minuscule ladybug does not eat aphids, it is a vegetarian hungry for mildew. If you have perennial phlox, a plant prone to heavy, late-summer mildew infestations, look beneath the affected leaves and you are sure to find this ladybug despite its camouflage colours.

Convergent Ladybug
Hippodamia convergens
The name "convergent" refer to the two convergent lines on its thoracic shield. This ladybug is very common in the Southwest, and in Canada is often found feeding on the mustard-yellow aphids that infest milkweed.

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