Monday, August 8, 2011


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: mammals
Order: Primates
Family: Tarsiidae
Genus: Tarsius
Species: 9 types
Habitat: Indonesia nd philippines
Food: Insects nd small reptiles
Status: Almost extinct

Tarsier is a unique and rare animals. These small primates are often referred to as the world's smallest monkey, even though these animals are not monkeys.
At least there are 9 types of Tarsier in the world. 2 species in the Philippines and the remaining 7 there is another type in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The most famous tarsier tarsier Tarsier Tarsier manifold (monkey ghost) and Tarsius pumilus (Little). Into two types there are in Indonesia.

All types of Tarsius including rare and protected animals. Tarsius activity only in the afternoon and evening. Their prey are insects and small reptiles such as birds and bats.

The uniqueness of Tarsius:
1. His eyes were huge, bigger than its brain
2. His head can rotate right and left to 180 degrees
3. Interchangeable ear digerak2an
4. He was able to jump as far as 3 meters
5. She gave birth to cra dependent dg

Tarsius including a remarkable animal. He was able to jump as far as 3 m of tress one to the other trees. Tiny tarsier primate practically feasible because of its length about 10-15 cm with weight of 80 grams. There was even Tarsius which has only 93-98 millimeters long with 57 grams brat.
Tarsier can be found in National Parks and Protected Areas Batimurung Tangkoko.
Currently Tarsius left only about 1,800 birds

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