Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lutra Sumatra

Lutra Sumatra

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Mustelidae
Subfamily: Lutrinae
Genus: Lutra
Species: sumatrana

Range and Habitat

The rare hairy-nosed otter lives in the countries of Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia. They are extremely rare, and were thought to be extinct until a population was reported in Thailand in 1998. They may be extinct throughout much of their range. They live in areas of peat swamp forest, reed meadows, canals, shallow coastal waters, and mangrove forests.

They inhabits rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and along rocky coasts. It uses a variety of shelters, such as, crevices in rocks and under the roots of trees but it mainly uses dens called "holts" where the females give birth and bring up their young. The holt has a chamber above the level of the water and an exit under the water. There is also a air shaft connecting the chamber to the surface which opens out into the thick thorny bushes or brambles.

Physical Appearance

The hairy-nosed otter is similar in appearance to other freshwater otter species. They get their namesake because their rhinarium is covered in hair, unlike most other otter species. They vary in coloration from a reddish chestnut to dark chocolate brown, with white on their throat, lower jaw and part of the upper lip.


Since this otter is so rare, it is unknown what they feed on. It is assumed their diet is similar to other otter species.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Nothing is known about this otter's reproductive habits.

Social Behavior

Nothing is known about this otter's behavior either.


Major threats to this otter species are from humans. Fishing, crop cultivation, pollution, hunting for their pelts, and habitat destruction have all adversely affected this species.

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