Tuesday, October 18, 2011


GOLDEN gold paint or cat can now hardly we meet again or take a look because this animal is almost extinct along with the extinction of their forest habitat, where they live and breed in Asia and in Africa.
Golden cat of Asia has long been considered very close to the species of the African golden cat. His very name suggests how wonderful and beautiful cat, the body wrapped in golden-colored fur, feathers even though it may also appear brown, gray or bright golden red.

As usual brother cats, these animals sometimes look the dappled without losing its specific color. This animal is somewhat longer than the usual cats and never met with all black color. The back of his ears roundabout there is a short black line. White lines are restricted white on her cheek, which emerged from the inner corner of her eyes. The belly is always lighter in color than the hips.

Greater than his cousin from Africa, Asia Temminck gold cat-sized dog. There is another called the Fishing Cat found in several parts of the world, whose size is also somewhat similar.

Wozencraft, in a controversial explanation of the classification system of these animals in 1993 Temminck considers golden cat is a type Catopuma, along with the Bornean bay cat was saying is one version of Temminck cat (Wozencraft 1993) as well. African golden cat is separate from the two species and now stands alone with a type (genus) Profelis. All cats are classified as Felis.

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