Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Termites (Termite) who are soft-bodied insects commonly known as white ants. They have three main body parts, head, chest (thorax) & belly (abdomen). Termites have a social system, with kings, queens, workers, and soldiers.

Termite life cycle starting from egg soft orange transparent which will then hatch into larvae. The larvae will then grow into young termites are called nymphs. When growing up, this young termites will choose their role in the colony.

The first role that can be selected by the nymph is a termite workers. Worker termites in the colony amounted to at most. Their task is to find & store food, caring for the parent & larvae, build & repair nests. This caste has the ability to digest cellulose in wood, which will spit out the results of this digestion & offered as food carriers, soldiers & their larvae. This type of termites that can damage wooden buildings. The most destructive species of termites are Formosan termites because it has a very large colonies.

Another role is to be a termite soldier in charge of maintaining the colony. Termite species is not able to feed themselves. They rely on workers to provide them with regurgitated food. Termite soldiers and workers do not have eyes & sama2 usually live a maximum of 2 years.

Last role is to reproductive termites (Alates), the termites are candidates for the new queen of the colony later. Their body shape is still sleek and cool again, from the royal termites only those who have wings. The wing is needed to move to build a new colony, two pairs of wings of equal size will emerge from their backs. Because of this termite is classified in the order Isoptera (iso = same and pteron = wing). Reproductive termites are often called as moths and appear before the rain. Their beautiful body shape for termite groups (lean and winged) will not last long. Their wings are very fragile, and will soon fall out once they've found a place to build a new colony. If elected to the queen, the female moth's body will not be slim again and will be obese, because the purpose of his life until the hour of death is laying eggs for the colony.

Reproductive termites selected will be Queen & King in the colony. Where in the colony there is only one king and one queen. Termite queen who is also the world's longest living insects can live 50 years under the right conditions.

When a termite colony becomes too large, and the queen can not lay eggs enough to sustain it, sexual reproduction reproduction by the termites will be run to alleviate the burden of the queen. Although the secondary reproductive spawn fewer than queen, there can be hundreds of them in a colony. Their contribution to the capacity of egg-laying can be extraordinary colony when the queen dies and they can take over the total needs of reproduction.

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