Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Libellula depressa

Like insects in general, the body of the dragonfly / Dragonfly (Libellula depressa) consists of 3 parts, the head with large eyes, chest / thorax with four long wings that can not be folded & has 3 pairs of legs, and stomach / abdomen with 10 segments.

Dragonflies live near the water because that makes their life cycle they can not live far from water.

Life Cycle
Dragonfly life cycle, from egg to death as an adult, varies between six months to a maximum of 6 or 7 years. Dragonflies lay their eggs on plants that are in the water.

After hatching, the larvae of dragonflies live and thrive in the bottom waters, metamorphosed into nymphs, and finally out of the water as an adult dragonfly.

Most of the dragonfly's life cycle is spent in the nymph form, beneath the water surface, using internal gills to breathe. Larvae and dragonfly nymphs live as a ferocious carnivore. Large dragonfly nymphs can even hunt and prey on tadpoles and young fish.

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